
Posted by Greenthumb Magic

Fiamma was born from true love. Love that ignites a flame that you may have thought was extinguished. As long as there's an ember, a fire that is thought to be completely extinguished can rekindle.

Fiamma's vbloom represents the fire between two people - the flame that does not die.

"L'amore ha bisogno di una fiamma di sopravvivere ... Love needs a flame to survive. "

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 12:29 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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I am the alter ego of a gardener and a geek. I spend my days creating v-nature and other stuff that comes to mind. My typist is a foodie, a gardener and a nature watcher. She thinks there is no way she can depict nature as it deserves using bits and bytes, since she can only use two of her five senses (see and hear). So I exist as the part of her that creates representations of nature on the computer (v-nature), inspired by flowers, plants and food; while she watches, listens, smells, tastes and feels the beauty of the world in real life. I name each piece of v-nature after someone; because as Louis Kaufman once said, 'Plant a seed of friendship; reap a bouquet of happiness.'